Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Postgresql: Indexes on Foreign Keys

This query identifies foreign keys that are potentially missing indexes (Postgresql does not create indexes on foreign keys automatically).
  Look for foreign key constraints that are missing indexes on the
  referencing table.

  Orders results by the size of the referencing table, largest first,
  on the assumption that, all else being equal, they are the most likely
  to benefit from the addition of indexes.

  This is only meant as a starting point, and isn't perfect.
  It's possible, for example, that it will report a missing index
  when in fact one is available. e.g., it won't realize that an index on
  (f1, f2) could be used with a fk on (f1). However, it will recognize
  that an index on (f1, f2) can be used with a fk on (f2, f1).

  Usage: psql -q dbname -f pg-find-missing-fk-indexes.sql

CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.sortarray(int2[]) returns int2[] as '
      SELECT $1[i]
        FROM generate_series(array_lower($1, 1), array_upper($1, 1)) i
    ORDER BY 1
' language sql;

  SELECT conrelid::regclass
    FROM pg_constraint
         JOIN pg_class ON (conrelid = pg_class.oid)
   WHERE contype = 'f'
         AND NOT EXISTS (
           SELECT 1
             FROM pg_index
            WHERE indrelid = conrelid
                  AND pg_temp.sortarray(conkey) = pg_temp.sortarray(indkey)
ORDER BY reltuples DESC


Michaël said...

Thank you a lot! I could find all missing indexes for foreign keys in my database thanks to your query!

François said...

You can replace your temp function condition by this one :
AND (conkey::int[] <@ indkey::int[]) and (conkey::int[] @> indkey::int[])

Using the symetrical inclusion to verify the egality of the 2 arrays.

François said...

And with a lighter condition you can treat the cases of columns of FK included in an index covering more columns :
AND (conkey::int[] <@ indkey::int[])

Unknown said...

Is it possible for this query to return the names of the columns in the foreign key relationship as well?

Norah said...

Thanks ffor this blog post